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Passover Amaretti Cookies (gluten-free)

In Cookies, Candies & Sweets On March 26, 2013 0 Comments

Prep time: 30 minutes
Bake time: 15 minutes
Makes: 28 to 30 cookies

Passover is a holiday celebrated by people of the Jewish faith. It celebrates the great exodus of the freed Jews from Egypt in the late 13th century BC. Passover deals with the last of 10 plagues that God sent over Egypt. He sent the plagues to soften the heart of the pharaoh to free the Jews. But Ramesses II was not to be softened. So the plague with the hardest blow came at the end – on a certain night God was to strike the first-born male child in every Egyptian home.

Moses was ordered by God to instruct the Jewish people to kill an unblemished lamb and to cover the post and lintel of the doorway with the lamb’s blood. “… the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be on you ….” Exodus 12:13.

Ramesses II’s first born died. This is when pharaoh finally decided to let Moses’ people go.

The Jewish people left in haste and this means there was no time to let bread rise. The tradition holds that no flour should enter the preparation of Passover foods.

These delicious, gluten-free (flourless) Italian Amaretti fit in with the Passover holiday. Make these and watch them melt in your mouth, just like candies.

Happy Passover and peace to all!

1 pound almond paste
3 large egg whites
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon rosewater (optional)
Slivered, roasted almonds, for garnish

1. Preheat oven to 350°F and line a 12 X 18-inch baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.

2. In order to break it up, place small pieces of the almond paste in a food processor and “pulse-blend” until it breaks down; set aside.

3. In a 1-quart mixing bowl, beat 3 large egg whites until stiff. Gently fold in the sugar, little by little. Set the egg white-sugar mixture aside.

4. Transfer the broken-down almond paste to a 2 or 3-quart mixing bowl.

5. Gently fold in the egg white-sugar mixture until combined.

6. Placing a small bowl of cold water alongside the mixing bowl, slightly wet your hands (this will prevent the almond dough from sticking to your fingers) and pick up a small piece of almond dough.

7. Roll 1-inch almond dough balls, wetting your hands slightly in between rolls.

8. Place the almond balls on parchment-lined baking sheet, with 2-inch spaces between each one. Set 2 slivered almonds atop each almond roll.

9. Position the baking sheet with raw Amaretti on a rack centered in oven.

10. Bake Amaretti for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, remove baking sheet and set on a counter. Let the Amaretti cool for 10 minutes.

11. After 10 minutes, using a spatula, carefully remove the Amaretti from parchment paper and set them on a serving platter. Alternatively, place Amaretti in double freezer plastic bags and freeze up to 2 weeks.

To thaw: set Amaretti on serving platter and thaw about 30 minutes prior to serving.

Text & Photograph ©2013 Nancy DeLucia Real

Nancy’s Mostaccioli (Spiced Cookies)

In Cookies, Candies & Sweets On January 1, 2013 1 Comment

The name “mostaccioli” denotes a pasta variety as well as a type of cookie. I learned to make these Italian spiced cookies from my mom, Francesca Sciscente. Her delicious version contains butter, cocoa and chocolate chips.

My recipe for this exquisite cookie contains no cocoa or chocolate chips. It’s also fat-free.
On New Year’s Eve, serve mostaccioli with champagne and bring in a bright 2013!

Active prep time: 1 hour
Bake time: 12 minutes
Makes: 30 to 34 cookies

2 cups all-purpose, unbleached flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
3/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 large eggs
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup granulated sugar
zest from each a 1/2 lemon and a 1/2 orange
1/2 cup dark or light raisins
1/2 cup roasted, slivered almonds, coarsely ground
1 egg white, beaten (as part of garnish)
1/2 cup sliced almonds (as part of garnish)
candy sprinkles

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line two 12 X 18-inch baking sheets with parchment paper; set aside.

2. In a 1-quart mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and spices; set aside.

3. In a 3-quart mixing bowl or a stand mixer bowl, mix together the eggs, honey, sugar, lemon and orange zests, raisins and slivered almonds.

4. On medium speed, gradually stir the dry ingredients into the egg mixture. Mix on medium speed until a cookie dough forms, about 2 minutes.

5. Using a spatula, clean sides of bowl and mix once more for a few seconds or until the dough is uniform.

6. Turn cookie dough out onto a flat, lightly floured surface. Gently knead dough until it is smooth, about 2 minutes. Divide dough into two dough balls.

7. Take one dough ball and, with lightly floured hands, flatten it to a 6-inch circle. Place the dough circle between two lightly-floured waxed paper sheets measuring about 15 inches long.

8. With a rolling pin, roll out the dough. After two to three rolls of the pin, lift off the top waxed paper sheet and lightly flour the dough once more. Placing one hand between waxed paper and flat surface and, with the other hand placed on top, make a quick flip of the dough (turn it over).

9. Lift off the second waxed paper sheet and lightly flour the dough surface. Replace the waxed paper over dough and continue rolling it out. Repeat instructions on lifting off the wax paper sheet and flouring as you roll out the dough.

10. When the dough has extended to a 10 or 11-inch circle and measures 1/8-inch thickness, remove top waxed paper sheet.

11. Lightly flour the top surface of dough and quickly flip it over onto the flat surface. Peel off the second waxed paper sheet and lightly flour the dough.

12. Using a 2-1/2-inch round cookie cutter, cut out circles in the dough. Gather remaining dough and repeat roll-out instructions. Cut out more circles.

13. Place dough circles on parchment-lined baking sheet, leaving one inch between each one.

14. Brush each dough circle lightly with beaten egg white; sprinkle with sliced almonds or candy sprinkles.

15. Place baking sheet on a rack positioned in center of oven. Bake the cookies for 11 to 12 minutes or until light golden brown. Remove baking sheet with cookies from oven and set aside to cool on a counter.

16. Meanwhile, repeat roll-out instructions for remaining dough ball. Repeat baking instructions for the second batch of cookies.

17. Cool the cookies completely. Mostaccioli can be made ahead and frozen.

FREEZING INSTRUCTIONS: When the mostaccioli have cooled completely, place them in double Ziploc® freezer bags. Mostaccioli will keep frozen up to one month.

TO THAW: Take mostaccioli out of bags and set them on a platter for 15 to 20 minutes.

Text and Photograph ©2012 Nancy DeLucia Real