I’ve been fantasizing about peaches lately, but I’ve been lazy about preparing and rolling out pastry sheets. Thanks to ready made pastry, this luscious peach dessert is assembled in only 25 minutes. Red raspberry coulis adds color and delights all your senses! When serving, take in all the “oohs” and “aaahs” – your guests will think it took you hours to create this masterpiece.

Prep time: 15 minutes
Bake time: 15 to 18 minutes
Serves: 6

One package Pepperidge Farm® frozen puff pastry sheets, thawed per manufacturer’s instructions
4 yellow peaches, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Five-Minute Raspberry Coulis (previously published on this blog)
Whipped cream and fresh mint leaves for garnish

1. Preheat oven to 425F and line a 12 X 18-inch baking sheet with parchment paper (alternatively, grease and flour the baking sheet).

2. On a flat surface, lay out two pastry sheets next to one another; set aside.

3. Meanwhile in a 2-quart bowl, stir to combine cut peaches with the sugar, flour and cinnamon; set aside.

4. With a pastry wheel or a knife, cut one pastry sheet in half lengthwise (vertically). Cut each half into three equal pieces – you now have 6 pastry rectangles.

5. Repeat with remaining sheet – you now have 12 pastry rectangles.

6. Divide the peach mixture evenly among 6 pastry rectangles.

7. Cover each peach filling with remaining 6 pastries; trim edges with pastry wheel or a knife to form neat rectangles.

8. Carefully transfer each peach pastry onto prepared baking sheet. Cover edges of each pastry with thin strips of aluminum foil – this prevents burning.

9. Place baking sheet with pastries on a rack positioned in center of oven for 15 minutes.

10. After 15 minutes, remove foil strips and bake an additional 2 to 3 minutes – monitor this carefully to prevent blackening.

11. Transfer baking sheet with peach pastries to a counter to cool 5 minutes.

12. Beginning at short end of each pastry, carefully slide a metal spatula between parchment paper and pastry. Gently loosen and lift pastry, placing it on an individual dessert plate. Repeat with remaining pastries.

13. Decorate each plate with the raspberry coulis; garnish pastries with whipped cream and mint leaves. Serve warm.

Variation: Using shears, cut pastries into squares, placing them on plates for decoration and garnish.

Text and Photographs ©2010 Nancy DeLucia Real